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NH Kids: Jesus has the power to calm our fears.

February 9th, 2025

Discussion Questions

What was Jesus doing when the storm came? Sleeping.
How did Jesus calm the storm? He spoke to it, rebuking the wind and sea.
What did Jesus say to his disciples afterwards? What do you think he meant by that? He asked them where their faith was. They might have let their fear cause them to forget that Jesus was with them or what Jesus can do.
Read Psalm 50:1. How does this psalm remind you of today’s Bible story? Jesus spoke to the storm because he can command all of nature. 

Whenever you were afraid, what would you do in response to your fear?
Now that we know Jesus has the power to calm our fears, what can we do when we face our fears?
How can you help others when they are feeling afraid? 

NT Passage: Luke 8:22-25

OT Passage: Psalm 50:1–6 

The Write-Up

For those who want a deeper dive into what we learned on Sunday and did with the kids, here's the game plan we made:

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